"If it weren't for the last minute, nothing would get done..."

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Bret Hart
Air America Radio
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template design based on Gina's webpage; done by Erin...

Tuesday, January 28, 2003

Something I thought I'd share:

A class I just recently overtallied for turns out to be run by two people: a graduate student on her first year teaching, and an old transfer student as the role of teacher's pet. They were a fascinating duo. And it should make for one interesting semester after all.

But the more interesting part didn't come til before I got there. As I left the 4 train on 59th Street to transfer for the 6, I noticed someone under a hat, flashing a pearly white smile that had me sidetracked for a moment. A familiar smile that I hadn't seen in a while. It was Mrs. Bert, and it didn't take her long to recognize me. At the time, I couldn't remember for the life of me what her name was; so I pretended to be listening to my iPod in the meantime. Elsewhere, she was talking to her ladyfriend, and already, I got the feeling I was on the other end of a bad compliment. All I remember was, "You see that man..."

Well, you can't win every single battle, right?

Monday, January 27, 2003

It's Monday.
It's the spring semester.
And now, stuff is finally coming together.

In any event, I was forced to wait until school actually started to attain a 12 credit, full time school status. And in waiting, I was able to find 3 extra credits which help me rid of all my accounting requirements by the end of May. Now that's awesome.
However, I am still incomplete without a class with Tavie. She tries to encourage me to join a three-hour Wednesday night Ceramics class. Now, I know it may sound interesting, and that having five economics courses will drain the hell outta me, but I must be realistic about this. I really intend on leaving college sometime by January. I am only 30 credits (2 semesters) away. That's summer school, and a fall semester. January or February, I intend to graduate. I can't take nothing that won't help me. So there...
My iPod will be rolling in a two-month-versary in February, and I plan to celebrate by buying a new case. As to which one I should get, I'm all up recommendations.

I would like to wish all thanks for wishing me a speedy get over it. I would like to announce to all that I have finally "moved on"...

I for one would like to know though what happened to Mikey. One minute, he's all over the country, the next minute, he's disappeared. In all seriousness, I really hope he did not get drafted. I remember him expressing his fears on that, fears that I share as well by the way. And man, well, I'll just wish the best...

Now, I said I was gonna try to get in another freelance...
I tried to find some inspiration, but in all the atmosphere, it got me depressed.
I tried going through some old poems, but I realised just how depressing I can get!
That's not good, especially for me.
So, what I'll do is post was is to me, the least depressing poem I've written. It has nothing to do with me, but the ideas were stuck in my head at the time I wrote it; so I decided to get rid of it. One of my earliest pieces, from the vault...

Alone In A Cemetery

Alone in a cemetery, standing near tides,
near tombs of deception and little white lies,
looking at death from all races and tribes...
I was three years old; and alone in a cemetery.

Then I heard my mother cry
On that night my grandpa died
and I really didn't understand why...
I was three years old; and alone in a cemetery.

Now I'm old, and understand
and no longer need to demand
exactly why my mother felt so sad.
But then, I was three years old; and alone in a cemetery.

When I look back, I feel pain too.
Although I was youg and didn't know what to do.
Now it's time to move on when the skies are blue...
But then, I was three years old... and alone in a cemetery.

Thursday, January 23, 2003

Que pasa from the -1 degree city known as New York...

I am four days away from the spring semester, and I'm still fighting to acquire 12 credits!
It's warm in the apartment, and cold outside. You would think I'd be happy about the heat in the apartment, but when you can't sleep at night because the heat's supercharged, then you, like I, would wish for some cold.
Speaking of cold, I just came out of one. Feels good. Real good.
I want so much to write another freelance. Hopefully by the next post, I'll have something available. And have I totally gotten over it, not really. But I'm almost there...
I just took this test, and the result is not surprising:

I am Charlie Brown

Which Peanuts Character Are You Quiz

Inside 2 months with my iPod, and already there are dents; one in almost every corner. Some scratches here, some marks there. It looks like I pounded that machine! But it still works like a charm. Apple can create a decent product every so often...

Thursday, January 16, 2003

Hey yo!

Greetings from the nightshift workstation known as the iMac DV+. I have some new stuff to tell you, but first, some additions to the blog site:
First up, I decided to make some extra freelances available for the audience. To the left of the page, there are more poems that you can look at without having to rush through the blog. I thought that would be a nice addition. It just might leave you wanting more stuff. For some reason, I've been getting e-mails from far and away places complementing me on my work. Well, if I do not answer all, I like to thank you for responding to my poetry. And of course, all advice (even the get over it's) are appreciated.
Second, as far as Shakeya goes, I might have gotten over it; just a little. But I still think about it sometimes. And hope that somehow, well, you know the rest...
Third, I have just completed my new Enterprise model. No, not the one from the current TV show, but the one from the first Star Trek movie, The Motion Picture. My brother finally got around, after all his schoolwork of course, to assisting me with the electric wiring so the saucer lights can light up. All the other assembly was my work...
Thanks to my brother David, though. He and I came together, inspite of all the smell of paint thinner, and all the stench of new parts, and those slight shocks he would receive experimenting with the nine volt batteries, to create one fantastic replica that might make Andrew Probert proud. I gotta say, it looks damn good. Now, where to put the model...
I have to say that OS X is very cool. I really like it for it's interface, and huge icon buttons. What I do not like is that QuarkXPress has not jumped on the OS X bandwagon. Now I gotta wait, until they're good and ready to upgrade their software. I could always run it on classic, but I do not want to risk problems with the system. I could always buy InDesign by Adobe, but that won't happen anytime soon either. So, I guess it's AppleWorks...

I guess that's it for now. Until next time...

Tuesday, January 14, 2003

In the aroma of my home since Sunday night, I have been fully able to grasp these last couple of days, and what lies ahead. And all I find myself doing is trying to kick myself in the ass.
Since Sunday night, as soon as I came out the shower come to think of it, it had suddenly dawned on me that I missed the chance to really tell someone how I felt about her. I couldn't sleep ever since. Sure, the iPod would make sure I sleep around 4AM, but I woke up this morning (no less than three hours later) still thinking about it.
I can only recall my last experience with this. It was back in high school, and I was real good friends with someone I liked. At long last, after days of deliberation, I finally told her what was on my mind. Of course I was rejected, but I learned that the rejection at least compensates for never even trying.
Here, I feel the other side of it, which is far worse. Okay, to clue you in, at the Crate and Barrel party on Sunday, I missed the opportunity to tell this woman that I wanted to be with her. And after really realizing what happened, I can't stop thinking about it. So, I decided that it's about high time I post a freelance...
It's a shame that my first freelance of the year sees me in such a state. But at least I have only myself to blame. Where is it, you ask? Hold on, I'm getting to it! Okay, I am a little erratic. But I guess only those who've been that direction will understand...
This freelance is properly titled after the woman I speak of. I decided to use her as the title for three reasons. First, it is highly unlikely that she, or anyone she knows, reads this blog, and on the same note, remember who I am. Second, since I may never see her, it's pretty safe to use her name. Third, I may be blowing this out of proportion. While I imagine telling her I like her ending like a love story, I also imagine it ending in another rejection. She may have a boyfriend already, and merely find my poem flattering. I can only hope this poem releases some kind of stress that will allow me to move on. So, with my best foot forward, from the other side...


All I wanted was to tell you
the things on my mind that I could tell no one else.
And these things were everywhere
emotions, uncontrollable emotions
that said I care for you; that said I need you;
now you're gone away from me
And I now remember that I should have told you.
It was so unfair that I couldn't get the chance
that one shot; that one opportunity
not that I couldn't get it, but that I missed it.
Now all I think about was what could have been
The frustration I feel as I could only dream
dream of what life could have been for you & me.
Now, all I can hope for is that you are happy
that wherever you are, you will find peace.
Perhaps one day, we may meet again.
And if, by George, I get that second chance
then I will tell you how much I care for you.
And if I should see you once more,
then I will end this neverending nightmare.
After all, to tell you that I need you
is all I ever wanted.

Monday, January 13, 2003

Ah, welcome one and all
welcome to the last day of your lives...

I dunno why I wanted to write that. Stuff just stays in my head. Now I am kind of glad that I got it out. Maybe it might be useful. To whom, I don't know. But it might be useful...
In any case, I have recently celebrated my one-month-versary of my acquisition of the iPod with a dent on the corner. The case apple provided me is not the best one. I would fork out another $30 for a different case, but what will it amount to? Perhaps a translucent case that attracts the wool off of my jacket. Or another leather case to accompany my cell phone's leather case. So much quantity, so little quality...

In more recent events, I was at the CnB party they threw last night. And I gotta tell ya, I've never seen such a turnaround! People, who I swore were old and slow, were on the dancefloor all night long; from the time I got there, to the very end. It's like they worked the entire season just to get to that one point where they can show off. I did some dancing myself, talked to few women, got teased at 'cause I didn't want to drink, that sort of thing. The only downer of the night was that the one girl I wanted to talk to (the one I wanted to talk to from the very beginning, since I met her) was the one girl I couldn't dance with. Being on the floor, cheering for a friend whose hoping to get something extra, I guess I wasn't fully paying attention to the field. Then just before I leave for my things, I see her and say what's up; only for her to tell me she was looking for me so we could talk, but I was too busy dancing. I had the best rats! sign on my face that would make Charlie Brown proud. And to think, that might as well had been the last chance I'll see her. Ever. Then again, I could always go to BMCC and see if I find her. But that's a wild goose chase. But if I do see her again, then I'll know whether she is the one...
At the party, the music ranged from pop to old school to latin. I couldn't believe three hours passed, and we even did techno! All those white people dancing to techno, so fascinating. In any event, I came across this one track the DJ was playing. It was a latin dance song that was very popular and I couldn't get the name of the song, or who sang it. By the time I thought to ask the DJ, he was already on another track. Another fascinating moment.
On the Hunter front, I passed my classes with A's and B's (2 and 2 respectively) and am having a tough time figuring out what extra two classes to take for a 15-credit semester. I have three economics courses already added, but the rest of the courses available are all in the night time (sure, I've done it before with Professor Taber's Linguistics class, but she was interesting; eco classes in the night are not.) And to top it off, for the first time since I can recall, I am not taking any classes with Tavie!! No more Tavie??!!! I'm gonna go nuts! Maybe there's a class I'll have that is close to her class, I hope.

Sunday, January 12, 2003

I am the best there is, the best there was,
and the best there ever will be!

It's good to hear that Bret Hart has a brand new web site. My only problem now is his teasing of whether he should appear on WWE TV again. And on top of that, the only pics he has available on his site are those via WWE copyright.
Now, as we all know, Bret should, and must, return to WWE TV. In order to get the respect and credit he deserves as a professional wrestler, and as a solid performer who has done a lot for Vince McMahon, he ought to at least show his face (even if it's once) on RAW or something. When I think about it, the first ever grand slam champion, the only wrsetler to go triple crown on both WWF and WCW. Think about it, Hogan comes back for one more solid run as a champion and is successful. Shawn Michaels (in WWE's attempt to gain more ratings) makes one more run as champion, and is successful. Bret Hart (the better of all of them) should have one more run. Well, okay, he just came from a stroke; so maybe one run is a little too much to ask. But hey, Shawn came back from back injuries. Why Bret, you ask? Well I reply, why Not Bret??

Tuesday, January 07, 2003

They say good things come to those who wait.
Well, they were right...

The tiBook comes in 12" screens! Yay!
My problem: the damn slot loading drive. Using the iMac DV+, I know just how cumbersome these slot-loaders get over time. But nonetheless, the tiBook looks stunning in a new 12" (and 17") display.
You know what, I spend time & money at the New York Auto Show at the Javits Center. Perhaps when MacWorld comes back to NY for the summer, I should invest some t&m into them as well!

Apple sent me this movie featuring Yao Ming (from the Houston Rockets) and Verne Troyer (Mini Me), holding their 12" and 17" tiBooks, respectively (of course, leave it to Apple to make a commercial like that, where the big like it small, and the small like it big). It was funny, just a little bit...

"Is this really the end of the universe...
or is it just, the beginning?"

Well, a brand new week in January, and I have marked the end and beginning of a brand new saga. First off, January 5th was indeed my last day at Crate & Barrel. So many sad goodbyes, as most of us tried to hold back tears. The last time we all will meet will be at the big party this Sunday. This party could pose problems for me, because I don't drink. And it would be something to see how I will manage against all these people who really know how to party on Sunday. As to whether I might come back to C&B, well, it all depends on the managers. I think I've shown them just how much I can contribute to the store. I felt pretty satisfied with my work there as well.

On a more positive note, as a Mac user, I take great pride in announcing that on that very Sunday that I left, I finally installed OS X on my computer! No, not the Jaguar that just hit the market, but the OS X prior to that. And I got to say, as I look at how much my Mac has turned into a Windows lookalike, that I am very impressed with it. So much so, it has left me with two thoughts:
Why didn't I do this sooner? (Probably because of all the stuff I had to erase prior to installing OS X!)
When can I get Jaguar?? (Probably as soon as I get a new job!)

Well, I tried. In any case, I will soon be celebrating my one month semianniversary of my iPod acquisition. And to prep things up, I hope to obtain Jaguar so I can finally automate the time when the iPod decides it needs to reset itself. Otherwise, It's my favorite machine of 'em all...

Other than that, that's pretty much all folks!
I promise to come back with some new stuff. Until then...

Saturday, January 04, 2003

It's over.
It's almost over...

I cannot believe that Sunday will be my last day at Crate and Barrel. I could've swore that yesterday was still December 19th, and I had to be at work the following Friday. Now we're in January, and that means that the last day is this Sunday.
I'll sure miss my friends, the haters, and all the cool managers who do a better job remembering your name than most of my professors. Well, at least there's the after-christmas party coming up. This time, I'm definitely going...

"A" is my Business Law III grade...
The others are sure to follow.

Until then, peace, and long live the iPod!

Friday, January 03, 2003

Happy New Year!
Auld Lang Syne, and all that stuff...

In any case, I just woke up after a two day resting stretch, and it feels good to wake up to...
ice rain!?!
Ah man, and I got work at 4! Getting there's gonna be hell.

A couple of shout-outs, if you will, before I get ready:
First, and foremost, I wish all a very cool & awesome new year! There are so much new prospects to acquire, new days to seize, new opportunities to gain. Make sure that this year, you have a good one!
And I wish for courage, strength, wisdom and knowledge to all.

Second, and just as important, Happy Belated Mikey Day!!! On January 1st, while I was still catching rest from the New Year's party I went to (off da hook, by the way), Mikey rang in the new year the only way he knows how: by celebrating his birthday. So you're 22, eh? Have to be eleven months older than me, eh? Well, I'm still cooler! (just kiddin)...
Happy Birthday, Mikey...

Third, let me address Tavie's response to my thoughts on her gift. Now, this is the same Tavie who years ago when I met her, had described her "Pooh" watch as the memoir of her trip to Disney World. It was such a great moment for her, and she treasured that watch. Now forgive me for good memory, but I was under the assumption that her nostalgia would get the best of her, and she would keep her Pooh watch. However, it's nice to know that she indeed, loved the watch that I gave her. So much in fact, she only takes it off when showering. That's cool, think...
So big up to Tavie, who heads to Disney World again this month...

Also, I got a B in Brinberg's class. How I got it, was under God's super-phenomenal, nearly cosmic power...

Ok. Gotta go. Promise to write back when I get my other grades...