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Thursday, January 16, 2003

Hey yo!

Greetings from the nightshift workstation known as the iMac DV+. I have some new stuff to tell you, but first, some additions to the blog site:
First up, I decided to make some extra freelances available for the audience. To the left of the page, there are more poems that you can look at without having to rush through the blog. I thought that would be a nice addition. It just might leave you wanting more stuff. For some reason, I've been getting e-mails from far and away places complementing me on my work. Well, if I do not answer all, I like to thank you for responding to my poetry. And of course, all advice (even the get over it's) are appreciated.
Second, as far as Shakeya goes, I might have gotten over it; just a little. But I still think about it sometimes. And hope that somehow, well, you know the rest...
Third, I have just completed my new Enterprise model. No, not the one from the current TV show, but the one from the first Star Trek movie, The Motion Picture. My brother finally got around, after all his schoolwork of course, to assisting me with the electric wiring so the saucer lights can light up. All the other assembly was my work...
Thanks to my brother David, though. He and I came together, inspite of all the smell of paint thinner, and all the stench of new parts, and those slight shocks he would receive experimenting with the nine volt batteries, to create one fantastic replica that might make Andrew Probert proud. I gotta say, it looks damn good. Now, where to put the model...
I have to say that OS X is very cool. I really like it for it's interface, and huge icon buttons. What I do not like is that QuarkXPress has not jumped on the OS X bandwagon. Now I gotta wait, until they're good and ready to upgrade their software. I could always run it on classic, but I do not want to risk problems with the system. I could always buy InDesign by Adobe, but that won't happen anytime soon either. So, I guess it's AppleWorks...

I guess that's it for now. Until next time...

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