"If it weren't for the last minute, nothing would get done..."

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Thursday, January 11, 2007

This is so past tense; but better late...

Seriously, I hope that everyone had a great Christmas and are on the start of a kick-ass new year! 2006 was altogether too fast for me, especially accomplishment and weather wise. Somehow in the year 2006 (actually, with the help of salads and walking) I lost 45 pounds!! That is a high note that I truly must thank God for. Also, my wardrobe has been updated; that too was long overdue. Finances have improved, and I was one step closer to a relationship...
Too bad I ended three steps behind, with the floor swept from right underneath me.
Despite all that, 2007 has brought me some new prospects. I have entered another social clique of sorts which just planned a cruise trip (the real cruise, not the sail around the Hudson that I've been so used to) for June. To the Caribbean. Yup, I'm heading for the big-time!
Female-wise, I'm getting to know two SSF potentials; one who works with me at the otffice, the other who makes seldom appearances at the office. Each have their advantages and disadvantages. The co-worker is just that, a co-worker. While she seems quiet and focused on the surface, the fear of our possible relationship being known to the rest of the staff frightens me. I've been at that branch 3+ years, and they still don't know/remember my birthday. That's how little they know about me. That stealth of my life might disappear should I start devoting time to one of the fold...
The other SSF is in school for her MBA, works on the side, and seems to have a lot in order. My friends believe she's pretty much an unknown, who on the surface may be a bit too much for me. To me, the too much part is not the problem; to err is human, and anything beats the virtue of never even trying. My problem however is that she is an unknown; while that's where the fun is, it's also where the risk is. Well, it is I who says no risk, no reward, right??

Look What You Have Done
Little John
Original Stalag 17-18 and 19

The VP records store in Brooklyn had this treasure CD just lying around. $14.99.
Is this one on sale?
"No, chief. $14.99."
You sure? It's quite an oldie. I see the Dancehall 101 series just 11.99...
"Trust me, man. $14.99"

He wasn't joking.
I bought the King Jammy's Studio Series Volume 4 along with the Stalag CD. Classics man, true classics.
But at 14.99, it's highway robbery.

My Virgin Moment at the Nuyorican
At the behast of the The New Danger, I performed at the Nuyorican one Wednesday in November. Typically, when I go with Steve to these poetry slams, they read their pieces, and people clap, or show love as the MC says, afterwards. Steve reads, and that was the end of my time there. So I went this particular Wednesday, expecting something similar. I, however, get treated to a contest of sorts, where they rate your poems. Now I had some arsenal, but being that this was my first time at the Nuyorican, I wanted to say something fresh and original. So I updated the 4-Train Writer, prepped just a little bit. The competition was fierce and on-point, with topics ranging from sex, to a lack of game, to racial predjudice and assimilation, to the Holocaust. And I'm going to this thing, my first time mind you, speaking about a 4-Train writer. Always one to finish what I start, I went ahead with it all. While the reaction wasn't that great (21 out of 30), the poets there did like my execution and delivery of the poem. Maybe they were being honest; maybe they were being nice. But the feedback I was hoping to get was indeed lacking.
Will this stop me from doing this again?!
Probably not.
Will I unload The Gentleman?
Probably so.

Who knows!?!

Rocky Balboa
The last feel-good movie of 2006, Sly Stallone pulls out a great performance. Big-ups to Antonio Carver (Mason "The Line" Dixon) for putting a more-than-believable performance as the 21st century Apollo Creed. Even though the title name would suggest otherwise, I wished they got inside Dixon's head more. He would seem less like a prick, and more like fighter who cares about his craft. But alas, this film still delivers. Dunno about a tear-jerker, but it does have its moments.
And no, he didn't die. He didn't win, either. But in tradition of the classic, it was supposed to happen that way.
Rating: 9.5 out of 10

A Night At The Museum
I saw this movie because my barber was going to see this movie. We ended up at different theatres, but at least we still saw the movie. And believe it or not, this movie was surprisingly refreshing! Owen Wilson and Robin Williams didn't seem too overbearing; and Ben Stiller was good in his typical fashion. To me, he's now the funnier version of Tom Cruise. The similarities are now a bit too striking...
And oh yeah, it was great to see Dick Van Dyke again.
Rating: 9 out of 10

One more thing before I go: I'mma try to publish my favorite freelances on my MySpace. Perhaps they'll be seen a bit more. But in time, I may get rid of the freelance site altogether, now that I got my first 50 up there.
Until next time...
The cold awaits!