"If it weren't for the last minute, nothing would get done..."

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Wednesday, November 19, 2003


A Story of Immensely Embarrassing Proportions

No, this is not a freelance.
Just a nice story of the day I had today. A day that may have started out okay, but became a nice rollercoaster ride towards the end.
This day proves to me that not only does God have a sense of humor, but that everything happens with purpose.
We start off by waking up just in time to miss one of my classes. After a thorough shower, I head to meet my friend at Hunter, who has no problems whining that I was 30 minutes late, and that he is a businessman, caught in a unbusiness-like transaction. In actuality, I took the opportunity to make sure CompUSA still had the 30GB iPod on sale before I met him; so obviously I didn't care. After making my 1000th apology, he states that in the name of Business, I should pay for his transportation going home. I agreed just to shut him up, knowing fully well we were heading to the subway.
After that ordeal was over (and to think, I just met up with him so he could buy a Hunter College T-shirt), I went to my Cost Accounting class. It turns out I didn't do as bad I thought I did! In fact, I was 3 points shy of an A. Whodathunkit!?! Well, afterwards, I went to Computer Accounting class, and sat through my professor telling me about the aggravation of being director of Accounting at the school, his dreams of being a sportscaster, and oh yeah, the basics of QuickBooks Pro. Dying in that computer lab (usually it's the coldest room in the college; for some reason, it was rather warm), I bolted out once he gave the magic words, and proceeded to head home. As I got to the metrocard booth, I noticed that I couldn't locate the key to the door; the one thing that I used earlier today, and for some reason, couldn't find it now...

My metrocard.

Searching high and low, nothing would turn up. I checked and rechecked pockets, to no avail. Though it only had three days left, I had no money at the time, and my only backup was a $4 regular card that I found while walking with Danilo. In the midst of it all, I looked up, and lo and behold, I saw...
Nikki from the old Hunter block.
Embracing her, while it was something I thought I wouldn't do in a long time, was the most weirdest embrace I ever endured. It had the mixed feelings of hot and cold. It was hot because there was meaning behind that embrace from both ends; it was a long time, and we both were in the best of standings the last time we met. It was cold because of the timing; she obviously had somewhere to go, and the chat we were about to engage in would only come across as a mere annoyance, rather than catching up on the times. How do I sense these things, please don't ask. In any event, I decided to make our conversation very blunt, to which she was extremely greatful.
In returning to my dilemma, I searched, researched, and microscopically checked my outfit for the metrocard. And no success was generated. There was only one thing left to do: retrace my footsteps.
I went back to the grocery store where I bought my Pepsi Vanilla, the cashier saw nothing. I went back to the Hunter College computer lab, which finally cooled down, still no sigh of relief. Then I go to the room I had my cost accounting class, only to meet Danilo, who had an Advanced Accounting II exam a few moments later (God, please be with him.) He asks me what happened, and with some reluctance I responded. And of course, he asks me about the $4 card we found earlier, to which I said I wanted to use that in an emergency, and that the emergency hasn't arrived... yet.
I waited until the class that was in session was no longer in session, and rushed in. As it turns out, one of the GreenPoint Bank employees from the branch around Hunter not only goes to Hunter, but had class right before Danilo. With no time to stare, I mean spare, I raced through the back row, and there was...
No metrocard.
Now, I have an emergency.

Blessing Danilo before I left, I proceeded to the train station, and used the emergency card. And next thing I knew, there I was, on the 6-train.
How could I? I don't lose anything! That is to say, when I have 10 fully functioning fingers, I don't lose anything!! How could I have lost that metrocard now? I must be losing it!! I stood in my regret, so upset, I couldn't bear to listen to my iPod. Next thing I know, I run into an old high school friend of mine, Janay. We traded niceties, and our embrace was certainly much more welcoming than Nikki's (no offense, of course.) We sat and discussed what everybody's been up to; and to sum it up, everyone she has spoken to is either going up for Master's, or is in med/law school. It made me want to reconsider my not going for Master's, only to realize that the next step for an accounting grad is the CPA level, not the Master's. In the midst of the conversation, she asks if I have gum. I didn't italicize that for joking purposes; but back in high school, I have always been known to have a good supply of chewing gum. When they needed it most, I had a variety to choose from. A nice laugh later, I pull out my Wrigley's Eclipse spearmint gum, the patches that look more like nicotine control pills than regular sticks of gum. I slide out the gum, simulating a smoker vying for a cigarette from his pack of cigarettes, generating more laughs from Janay. And as the cigarette, I mean gum, slides out, something else also came out of the apparatus. Something thin, something yellow, and something very noticeable...

My 30-day metrocard.

As I picked it up, all I could do was laugh. Uncontrollably, and rather oddly. Janay attempted to find out why, but I was too embarrased to say, and was laughing too hard to speak. Uncomfortable, she sighed "okay," and I finally let her in on what happened. The result, two friends, laughing deliriously (that was the word I was looking for) on the train. Nice to know that God has a funny way of moving, and a reason behind it all.
Ahh, what a life.

I do apologize once again for having a very uninteresting life. And once again, I place all blame on my parental carbon based units...

The time has finally arrived!! In 16 hours, I will have my iPod, God and all else constant. I know I'm forgetting to mention something else here, but who cares??!! Let me get my sleep. I bid you all adieu!!

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