"If it weren't for the last minute, nothing would get done..."

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Saturday, November 15, 2003

Don't worry about the world coming to an end today. It's already tomorrow in Australia.
Charles Schultz


I was playing poker the other night... with Tarot cards. I got a full house and 4 people died.
Steven Wright

Dude. Someone please find me some more humourous quotes. There must be some sites dedicated to the cause. I'm now running out of them...
But in any event, que pasa from da kat unda da Kangol cap! Stress and relief can only describe what this past week has been. From midterms, to work, to more midterms, to more work, to this morning's mishap; it all seems so sudden, and yet I'm so relieved it's all over. But of course, I now know why I'm so relieved...
Because next Wednesday, I get my brand new iPod!!
Only I can get excited about stuff like that. Everyone else usually goes okay, whatever...
Midterms. I B'ed most of them. I wait results now from the Managerial Accounting exam, and the Computer Accounting exam. While I'm pretty sure I aced comp. accounting, my heart wrenches at the possibility of B'ing, or dare I say it, C'ing, the Managerial accounting exam. Not that it was totally difficult. But I have acquried the feeling one gets from not practicing enough for the big day, and feeling like you flopped. Sure, you keep abreast on the coursework, but unless you practice what you learn, you're going in half prepared. And that was the feeling I got going into that midterm. As to whether the feeling was completely accurate...
I guess I'm gonna find out Tuesday.

This morning. Saturday morning. This will go down in the books as the longest morning I've ever dealt with. We start off the night before, where after partying about, I finally parlayed back home around midnight, showered, and went to bed around 1AM. The problem at that time was, I really wasn't sleepy. So I found my iPod, and started jamming with my music until 2:30AM, when I finally dosed off...
Only to wake up 3:30AM. Aching, I thought I had one of those nightmares where I don't remember anything that happened, and I just arrive in this parallel universe. Realizing that in effect, I just dosed off, I put away my music, and dosed off again...
To look up at the clock, telling me it's 4:30AM. Damn, I thought. Then I realized what the problem might have been: I needed to use the bathroom. So I threw my robe on, and took care of my business (what, you never heard anyone say that they had to go to the bathroom on their blog??) Finally, off to bed, I said to myself (what, you never heard anyone say that they talk to themselves on their blog??) I rested my head, closed my eyes, and visions of the Tyra Banks dream can to view until...
5:30AM. I wake up again. This shit is ridiculous!! What could it be this time, I pondered. This time, I woke up to a smoke alarm. A loud, and increasingly louder, smoke alarm. I start moving around, and close to the bedroom door is the smell of burnt eggs. You know that scent, when one forgets for about 20 minutes that they were cooking eggs, and then you have the whole apartment reminding you that's something's still on the stove. I walked to the kitchen, and nothing was cooking. A small sigh of relief was quickly replaced with that of concern. If it ain't here, where is it coming from? My parental carbon based units now arise, and proceed to activate the 5 minute fire drill. All my immediate/prized possessions in my jacket, I walk outside...
Only to find my neighbors fanning out the stench of their early breakfast.

It's alright! Nothing serious. Just a little mishap, that's all."

Now 6:30AM, I'm tired and grumpy as hell, and now my mother decides she wants us to start tidying up da crib. As the men of da crib all sneered in unison, mom (who is fighting a cold, by the way) yaks back in her bedroom. With the smell of burnt eggs still in the air, I am chased from my only shelter, the living room sofa, back to the bedroom. Now 6:45AM, I said to myself it's now or never. I gotta get some sleep. And it really didn't occur to me what time it actually was, until...
7:40AM. I arose again, immensely agitated. This time I woke up to what normally wakes me up at 7AM every Saturday, my alarm clock. Some bright genius, no names mentioned, decided that he was going to hit the snooze button 4 times until he couldn't hit it no more. Dragging my ass to the shower, it is only until I dry off with a damp towel that I realize I showered seven hours ago. Now 8:15AM, I grudgingly walk out the apartment, go down the elevator (still incensed with burnt eggs), and head to the bus for work. It wouldn't be for another 4 hours until I can eat something, which was a McChicken sandwich from McDonald's, and another 10 hours before I can go back home and actually sleep. Today, I have only acquired 3 hours, 10 minutes of sleep. It is Pepsi vanilla and cookies and cream ice cream that's allowing me to stay up and post something right now.

Come to think of it, the rest of the post can wait until tomorrow.
I'm dead tired.
Until then...

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