"If it weren't for the last minute, nothing would get done..."

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Thursday, November 20, 2003

And, I got something else too. A freelance that isn't mine, but from someone who sent it to me. It is so awesome; I mean, the mere fact she was willing to share it with me just made me awestruck. It made me forget about the first ever STRESS FREE day at work that I had since being hired at GreenPoint. It made me forget the real reason that I came here, to blog about my new iPod acquisition (remember this date, November 19, 2003; exactly one month before my birthday.) It even made forget about the lady who was mugged on Canal Street today (more on that next time.)
So, I decided that I am gonna post this person's poem here. And personally, I want to thank Ms. Walker for sending this poem to me, in the high hopes that he sends more of her work to me. And to think, she felt pretty weird doing it, and in turn, I feel just as weird posting it! But indeed, "we all gotta do some cooky things at times." This provided the real cap of the day, or should I say, night. Here it is; I hope you enjoy it.

Touching Dreams
By Alex Walker

I tell my friends I've touched my dreams
but they don't see that possible
I can
I touch them with my mind, going over them
with light, soft fingers
trying to fix these puzzles they're in
to finally understand them and enjoy them
with my heart I also touch my dreams
with love and affection
but some come from fear and hatred
and sting when touched
these aren't memories and do not fade
bundled up they stay
waiting to be sorted out
and fly like birds wanting to touch the
tip of the universe
catching a few I go over them
and unleash the many stories and feelings
like touching the sun
never what you expect and worth while
but one dream is very precious
the closest to the heart
the first opened and solved
with light, soft hands.

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