Ah, here's another freelance I thought up!
A little less humorous than the first, but I still think it's cool. Besides, it's been a while since I had a string of vibes anyway.
From the other side...
Ode To My Father Calling Me
I'm coming in two seconds; soon as I finish this thought
the words flow through the ball point and this train can't stop.
I know about the garbage that has to be taken out
but can't it wait a few seconds longer
my emotions are feeling stronger
as these words I do grow fonder;
It's not like there's a garbage drought.
It's not just another poem, Pop.
I know you called; I'll be there soon.
You see, it's not just another belly-ache.
It is that moment I live
Another vibe that I give
flipping negative to positive;
Like I'm sleeping in my wake.
All right, one more minute, father.
I'm inching my way out of the bed.
I know one of these days, you'll send me up the Nile.
It's not like the dishes are going anywhere,
and it's not that I really don't care
but only of these thoughts I share...
I mean, can't the dishes wait awhile?
Finito! Completed! Okay, I'm on my way.
Now, I'm ready for what you have to say.
Do you want your car keys and the rain coat?
You look serious as a heart attack,
or did you want my cracker jack;
Oh, time to wash your back...
What? You called me just for a TV remote??