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Thursday, March 27, 2003

Never argue with an idiot.
They drag you down to their level and beat you with experience...

Salutes and blessings from the spring weather of Brooklyn. Last week, I seemed to be all full of rambles, and I'm glad that I released some thoughts from my head. This week, I give you more:

The changes to the blog are coming along very nicely. Because I never took a course in HTML, I sort of had to use the good 'ole trial & error method to achieve what I want. More changes are on the way; but I still pend on whether I should switch databases. There's nothing wrong with BLOGGER (okay, I must retract that statement); but I have read of a better way to blog where most importantly, there are no more blogspot ads!! Problem is, it requires me to work with UNIX for several hours, I gotta start from scratch, and I must have a static IP address. And that means I have to go find out how to access this web page my cable internet service promised me. That shouldn't be too hard; just requires work. Once the majors have been worked out, I might never have to run to BLOGGER again!
But then again, I do have other things to do. So, I'll just stick with Blogger.

After the March madness of midterms, I came out of Business Organization and Management with a B, Advanced Accounting II with a B, Statistics with an A, and Advanced Accounting I, well, with a grade. A grade I'm not too proud of, but one that assures me I'm still in the ballpark. All that's left is Intermediate Macroeconomics, whose exam was on Tuesday. More of the same crap; still walking in with my eyes closed...
It was definitely more challenging than the first. And just when I thought I could finally breathe, four more midterms are on the way! All starting in April (next week, mind you), I'm gonna have my hands full. And on top of that, I have a paper to start doing. The road to graduation (though long & hard) continues...

WrestleMania is approaching quickly! And after all this planning, I may have to watch it at home. It was my intention of my kliq to watch the Pay Per View from WWE World, which is not only near Times Square (terrorist target), but is now being closed permanently. The war wouldn't stop us; but the McMahons did. How about that! Well, back to the drawing board for that one...

The new portable music system I have is smokin'! It starts off with the iPod (BTW, to all iPod users, a new update is available. Click on [I'm an iPod Addict] to get the free download) which is down to 1.8GB of space. And, with the upcoming St. Lucia Jazz Festival in May (which unfortunately conflicts with my finals), I am preparing with some newly acquired Larry Carlton & Ronnie Jordan CD's. Interesting, some lady who happened to be checking out my iPod yesterday felt it crazy that I listen to jazz...
It continues with the Krusell Classic Zipper case; which allows me to add some bubble tape on the backing for extra protection, and holds the remote plug connection in place. The case, and any equivalents, get a 9.5 out of 10 for the one reason that the case attracts lint to the scroll wheel. The system tips off with the new Sony DJ headphones I recently acquired, and they're worth the cash I forked out. Let's see, what will I do on the 4th month-versary of the iPod? Probably get a HiFi Link to connect to my parents' home stereo. Or better yet, the new JBL Creature Speakers for my room, now that my mother has taken my Sony speakers...

That appears to be a rap for now. If anything, I'll post it later.

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