"If it weren't for the last minute, nothing would get done..."

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Monday, March 10, 2003

Last night, I lay in bed and looked at the stars...
then I wondered where my ceiling was...

Well katz n kittenz, the drama is finally over, for now, at least. I have taken all four midterms, and anxiously await the results. But before I go on with this Monday Morning Post, I wrote an interesting freelance about my recent situation; and it may seem disjointed. Well, I try to remember that people actually do read this stuff, but the more and more I try to change a freelance, the more of its essence I lose. And I rather keep its essence than try to make it sound better. So, from the other side...

What Four Midterms Can Do

With four midterms from Tuesday to Thursday
And the finals all in May; leaves me with no time to play.
For the end seemed so far away
as I read the book I’ve used for ventilation.
Remembering everything said and written is easy;
relating it to words on paper was not.
A long look at the reality of the situation
made me toss my book in total frustration.
Saying I know this and I know that
made me realize that in fact I don’t know jack
And it’s useless to embody myself in sorrow
for the first round as a fighter is tomorrow.
Typically one midterm doesn’t chill you to the core
My dilemma is that I have four...

I may have went for the impossible
As I endure the slew of endless nights
then dawn would break, and my eyes fight to stay open
my tea and soda supply depleted as my mind fights to focus
my clock is watching me, dazing at it, watching me
not as a stalker, about to fall on its prey
but as a companion, with me on my journey.
The hours pass, the minutes run, the seconds walk
A taste of hell was mere moments away
and I don’t know any more now than when I started.
I race to soap my face, intending to catch the early train
to meet with fellow companions who await the same fate
Our knowledge may not be much, but faith is our greatest strength
faith in being swung around a curve next to those as unfortunate as we are.
One thing asserted before we began: We were never ready.
But it’ll never stop me from moving forward; and now the bell rings...

Freedom is where I put an end to all this mess
Where no more must my head be in duress
I am free; for I have released the stress
Like taking mental ecstasy for the strain they’ve put on me
The battle had been fought, and the grade determines the winner.
But in the end, it doesn’t even matter
for the second round has not approached me
and the final bout has yet to be fought
Yet the end doesn’t seem so far away, it looks like I’ll approach that day.
I’ll take it head on, and everything else they’ll put me through
Because that is what four midterms can do.

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