"If it weren't for the last minute, nothing would get done..."

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Monday, March 10, 2003

And now that the pain is over, it's time to move on to something else; like the Crate and Barrel dinner tonight. As anyone can tell, I did not have time to prepare a decent speech for Shakeya, nor do I wish to use my poem as a guide. I may just have to wing it, and hope and pray that I actually remember to tell her how I feel. This is, of course, providing that she actually shows up. I called some of the guys that worked with me during the holidays, and one said he may not be able to make it. That in turn made me realize that she has no obligation to show. And this could be bad...
Wait a second! I have went through four numbing nights for some midterms; now I'm dealing with one person who I may not even see, and I'm now going nuts?! Okay, I may have returned to some sort of normalcy here. I will not fret. If she show up, I will tell her. And if she doesn't, then it was never meant to pass go and collect $200. And yes, I will tell her if she shows up; I have no choice anymore. Not that I personally am tired of talking about it (which I am), but it came to the point my friends rolled dice to determine who gets to go with me to make sure this happens! And if I fail my friends, I'll never forgive myself.
Okay, it's time to go. I'll try to pass on a Wednesday post, or something. Until then...

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