Hey, y'all!
Dunno why I'm startin like this, but the winter is FINALLY here, and I'm lovin every minute of it. I want to get some things out my system before I go to bed tonight. So here goes, everything...
This week begins the week of countdowns. The week of countdowns is just a system that's set to countdown until the day something very big happens. Very simple, unnecessary, yet cool. And our countdown begins with:
7 days until the iPod arrives! To think, it will be one week before I am done away with the walkman. And already my walkmans aren't liking it. The cassette player is giving me reception trouble, and the MP3 CD player is recognizing MP3 CDs like it's supposed to. In fact, it's been giving me trouble recognizing regular CDs too! Now I gotta go exchange the unit with my replacement warranty at J & R Music World later on tomorrow. But I swear, if my audio components cannot get along, they all will be replaced! But enough on that, it's 1 week until the iPod arrival, and to say I'm ecstatic is an understatement; I'm overjoyed!!
9 days until the last day of class! And coincidentally, it is also 9 days until Star Trek: Nemesis. I plan to celebrate the final day of class around 8PM with a date with Loewe's on the opening night of Trek. Another date with destiny I cannot wait to meet. Also, it is 9 days until I register for Spring 2003 classes at Hunter College. And looking at the schedule, I might be at that place everyday next semester...
15 days until the Marathon Man turns the big 2-1!! Do not ask what I intend to do, because unfortunately, it is also 15 days until my big set of final exams. Boo. Exams on my birthday? That's the most yuckiest way I know to start it off. Of course, I also could be working that day; but that would just be the pits. The only silver lining I can find is that my chances of passing are slightly greater because it's my birthday. Well, let's just hope and see...