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Thursday, December 19, 2002

Ah. It feels good to finally breathe some fresh air...
Even if it is only for six hours.

In any case, I am three finals down, one more final to go. And with work tomorrow as well, there's no way I'm gonna be able to catch Lord Of The Rings II opening night; that is of course, if I don'tgo by myself. Knowing me, to ring in the big 2-1 (yes katz 'n' kittens, the ordinary shy-guy turns 21 today) with a bang, I'll probably see the movie by myself tomorrow.

First up, let me say happy birthday to Alyssa Milano and Jennifer Beals, who both share my birthday today (that's so cool...). Second, thanks to Tavie for the gift (of brownies). I hope to return the favor soon. Also, congrats on her setting up and maintaining the Christmas tradition all by herself.
Third, I would like to say good riddance to bad rubbish to Professor Brinberg. Now that her final is over (Thank God, because only he would allow me to retain anything from that class), I would like to say that The Genius Of Modern Theater with Professor Sybil Brinberg was by far and large, the most depressing class I've taken. The works that I've read (despite the marvellous fashion that it was written in) were some of the most dark accounts of life I've ever read. No Afro-American writer wrote such depressing crap. A loving husband and father declared insane by his own wife.

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