"If it weren't for the last minute, nothing would get done..."

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Wednesday, November 20, 2002

All right. Enough with current events. Obviously, I've had a lot of thoughts going into my post. And here's some more for your ear:

A 105 year old lady, with the help of our FDNY, escaped a burning building yesterday. According to firefighters, she seemingly acted much younger than her age. She was a get-up-and-go woman. Well, 105 years old, turning 106 in January... My hats off to that lady. If you ever come to the heights in BK, you're invited to tea and toasted wheat bread in my crib...

Right now, I look to my right of the posting page, and it reads:
Sorry, publishing is temporarily unavailable. [why?]

This is not the first problem I have had with this system. My only compliment to Blogger is that it actually kept all my posts to this blog, which to me is amazing since half the time, I couldn't even view all my old entries. It's amazing to know, and to see, that I have been blogging for the past 212 days...

On the workfront, there are so many beautiful women there, it's amazing I'm not fired for eyeing them. And I've been doing it for so long, I should approach at least one of them. Though I like my job for it's atmosphere, there are its occasional flaws. Old timers who feel seasonal people are a threat; those with an occasional attitude problem; things that nature. I will make it a point to kick it to at least one woman before my due date, January 5th...

Speaking of due dates, the due dates of three people came real fast. If I remember correctly, one was fired for sleeping on the job. This I have a serious problem with, considering us seasonals are fighting the old timers for work to do. How could one of us be sleeping around? That's a disgrace to our seasonal family. Another was fired for telling the main boss that whatever she told the woman to do was not part of her "job description." The bad news is that now, she has no job description. The good news is that it was a regular person, not one of the seasonal family. And I keep saying seasonal family, because we are that cool with each other; we are almost like family. One of ours was severely punished for using a cell phone on company time. Thankfully, he wasn't fired; so you know he was spreading the word around, looking out for us. That's cool.

The third person that will be fired is Shola, for being unable to meet schedule requirements. With all that my friend's going through (another job, living independent, school, and apparently, an eating disorder) that was an expected, but big blow. I'd call him, but then to find out I had something to do with it, or to revert to the ways things were before he was working for C & B is the last thing I want to engage in right now. Right now, I want to make some cash, have a good Christmas, get my iPod, and meet some women...

The next subject at hand is my Hunter block. A Hunter block is a program where incoming freshmen can, instead of choosing their own classes and face the multitudes of seniors and juniors vying for the same classes, choose from a series of schedules based on the major they are going into. They have schedules with classes geared for Computer Science majors, Sociology/Psychology majors, Urban Affairs majors, Mathematics majors, and others. Of course, some of those schedules, or blocks as their called, are closed. So, I applied for the next best thing: The Hunter Pre-Honors Block. The schedule offered: The Nature of Religion, Biology, The Itailian Renaissance, European History up to the 16th Century, and the basic English Writing and Intro for Freshman classes necessary for graduation. I, by the good grace of God, escaped the hell, fire and brimstone that I put myself in with a B- average for that first semester.
But it's not the classes that bothered me. It's the 15 faces that stuck with me for the first semester that bother me. On top of the seniors and other students who took the classes with us, there were 15 or so people that took the same classes with me. Fifteen faces I saw nearly every day. You would think we would all sit back one day and reflect on that experience. But it is harder than it seems. Let me see if I remember some names:
Tavie (of course), Gabe, Max, Mike, Helen, Latiya (I think), Lauren, Virmarie, Nikki, Bevin, Sara, Gillian, Katie...
Okay, that's only 12. But I know for a fact that I'm missing some people. Now, what ever happened to some of these people, you ask? Well, as you know, me and Tavie are good friends, blog, and take at least one class together (more on that later). Gabe, despite all his problems, insecurities, and stubborness, is still good friends with me. In fact, I have made good friends with his friends, whom we all agree on thing: We hate Gabe's disposition. Max and I continued our good friendship until last semester, when he transferred to Brooklyn College. Which reminds me, I must give him a ring soon. Mike, for the lack of better knowledge, is Mike. In recent events, he thought he was graduating this semester, until he found out that he was missing 15 of the 120 credits necessary to do so. He was pretty upset about that...
I just saw Virmarie the other day. Virmarie was a Catholic who always smiled. She always brings a positive vibe to the table; so positive, it made me bring an even more positive vibe. One day, she was a little upset, saw me smiling, and threatened to steal the smile off my face! No real threats, but she wished she had my smile! That was good. In any case, it's been a year almost since I last saw the music major, and there are some signs of aging in her face. Nothing serious, but it looked for a moment like college was whipping her rear end! But, she still has the positive vibe, and still is looking to hear from Nikki.
Speaking of Nikki, the depressed soul that I remember that first semester, no one has seen her for the last one and a half years. She may on rare occasion drop an e-mail or two, but has seemingly disappeared from society. Last I remember, she wanted her boyfriend to meet her friends (that was the "block") and they all wanted to get together at Coney Island or Six Flags Great Adventure, or something. Then she disappeared again. It was rumored that she just wanted to get inside Mike's pants, but nothing was confirmed. Oh well, you win some, you lose some.
Well katz and kittens, it doesn't get better from here. How many times have I seen Lauren, and Sara, and Bevin, Gillian, and Katie since that semester, various. But no communication has been exchanged at all between us. I remember Gabe and I calling Bevin, Gillian and Katie Bevin, Bevin & Bevin since the three talked amongst themselves a lot, and Bevin was the more vocal of the three at the time. Ah, those days. In any case, Lauren seemed just too cool to be hanging out with us; and Sara? Well, I just dunno. It's my firm belief that Latiya transferred colleges. And that leaves us with Helen. Helen is an interesting discussion in itself. She's one of those Asians who seemingly come from a proud family. And while her sisters went to all these prestigious colleges, she "resorted" to Hunter. On top of that, everyday, something seemed physically wrong with her. Either she had headaches, stomach problems, something was always wrong. I tried to think the best of everything, but leave it to Gabe to sum things up: She probably just did what she did to get attention. Well, ever since freshman year, I've haven't seen her. Deep down, I just hope she didn't kill herself, and is living life alright...

Okay, okay. In moving out of that conversation, let's move on to something else. Remember that woman who only gives me a nod of awareness? Well, just as I left the ICS room on Monday for class, there she was, pulling me over, asking me what's up...
Does she read my blog or something? Who clued her on that one? I gotta know this, because though she put one hell of an inconvenience on me by starting a conversation at that time, it was nice to actually talk to her. And moreover, she must have really been awake that day, because she realized that we had several classes together. Ada, Adalgiza, Ada Chabral I think; you know I can actually remember her name?? That's truly something, because I know for a fact she doesn't know mine. What made her ask about how I did, I don't know. But I would more than love to know...

As I hoped, my Business Law III Professor has the common sense that most lawyers are supposed to have. Since I took his midterm (and got 100%), he marked me present that Thursday. I showed up early this Monday to find out what must be done to correct the situation; and thank God, he told me just be sure to have everything downpacked by the final. That's real cool...

Now for the iPod update:
Bills, bills, bills. The more bills you budget, the more they keep coming. It's as though everything I do keeps preventing me from acquiring this piece of equipment. It won't make me happier when I get it, it's not that important to have it, I just want to have one. And if I do not get it by the end of the year, it doesn't mean that I am a bad person, it just means that I can't accomplish a goal I set. And I want to accomplish at least one goal other than getting a job this year.
Also, I ended up turning down the PSone/Screen combo. Not because I couldn't budget it (and I couldn't) but because the offer for $125 expired. So forget it for now.
My Stingray corvette looks absolutely marvellous!
All else constant, 12/27 is the d-day.

Before I forget, I must respond to Tavie's bashing of Professor Brinberg. Now, I received my paper on Monday, and I do not suffer from Tavie's problem. I still feel for her, but mine's a little worse. You see, spending an entire morning writing a paper for a play I read two days ago constitutes me a B-. And it's not the writing style that's wrong, it's the direction of the paper. She wants us all to rewrite the paper based on what recommendations she put in our originals. But you know what's up; what we wrote did not concur with her understanding. So she wants us to adjust it and see what she sees without telling us exactly what she sees. The old whinbag. I have never referred to anyone as an old whinbag, until I met Ms. Psychotherapy. Well, it's back to the drawingboard...

Yay!! The New TNN brought back Miami Vice!! My prayers have answered again! I'm telling you folks, no matter how big or small, significant or insignificant, God answers prayer!! I mean, I wake up, I eat, I post, and it's a little after 3PM. I turn on my TV, and lo & behold, Down for the Count! I love my God! And Miami Vice!

I love this picture this dude painted. It looks awesome...

More info on the pic is available here.
I hope he paints some more; maybe a shot of the Testarossa or Spider in the night...

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