"If it weren't for the last minute, nothing would get done..."

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Thursday, April 25, 2002

This freelance is not your usual freelance. It's about writer's block (yes, one of those things of life you usually avoid), and desparation (one of those things no one can't avoid). If you cannot follow this, just pretend that you are the person in this freelance. You'll eventually catch the gist of it all. From the other side:


"An unwanted child, crying in the lonely street
Bellowing, trying to reach for a..."
No, that's not gonna work.

"A boundary of space; limitless, glowing;
reaching out to..."
Naw, what am I saying??

"A limit, a destiny, at the end of a rainbow
glistening about..."
Gee, this is not gonna work either!

"Falling from the sky
Flake-like leaves on mounatin high
snowflake on my eye..."
Hmmm, that was good.
No, that was crappy!
Who's gonna care about a piece of snow?!
Okay, she's collecting papers. Let me write something down!
What? What can I write down...

Jack Frost. Jack Frost on video and DVD.
I wonder... what do I know on Jack Frost...
I don't know jack on Jack Frost!!
Five minutes to... that's it!!

There lived a boy named Charlie, with baggy jeans and a small butt-crack.
Never ask a question, for he'll always reply "Man, you don't know Jack!"
One day a teacher told the class to write a report on Jack Frost.
So Charlie went home and finished the assignment at no cost.
The next day, the teacher told Charlie to read his report back.
He said, "He was a snowman. Man, you don't know Jack!"
To his dismay, he turned around, and suddenly became meeker;
the teacher had angrily replied, "Apparently, you don't know Jack, either."

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